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The Chapel is central to life at Glenalmond. Six days a week, the whole school comes together for the Chapel service – strengthening the sense of community and allowing time and space for the nurturing of faith.

Glenalmond’s full-time Chaplain, Padre Duncan, typically leads on the services, with regular contributions from other staff, pupils, and visiting speakers. Each college house takes it in turn to read and lead prayers in Chapel and to assist
with the Sunday service.

The school has an Episcopalian foundation with senior clergy representation on the Board of Governors. However, it is recognised that although we have that strong foundation the college community is drawn from around the world and from many different expressions and styles of Christian worship. Therefore, the services seek to be inclusive and accessible for everyone. The emphasis on Christian living and belief which is taught in chapel underpins a great deal of what happens in College. We also respect the beliefs and approaches of those who have another faith or none, and whilst all pupils are invited to share in the Christian faith, there is no compulsion to do so. Integrity, tolerance, equality, and forgiveness are our core values.


The Eucharist is celebrated regularly during term time and Christians of any denomination who would normally receive Communion in their own church are invited to receive Holy Communion in Chapel. Once a week the quiet reflective service of compline at the end of the day is offered. Pupils from the community are given the opportunity to explore the Christian faith in groups and a number of pupils are baptised and confirmed each year in the college chapel. 



The Chaplain is available to speak with any member of the College and their family members irrespective of religious belief. 

Chaplaincy Team

The Chaplain is assisted by a team of lay assistants who are licensed to lead worship in Chapel.

  • Mrs Jenny Davey
  • Mr Guy Draper
  • Mr George Pounder

College Organist

 College Sacristan

  • James Steuart Fothringham

In the coming months, we have visiting speakers in Chapel:

Sunday, 2 March Revid Davd Anderson CF Senior Army Chaplain Scotland

Sunday 16 March Rev Dr Andrea Russell Warden Gladstone Library.

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