Meet The Staff - Tanya Adamson
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Meet The Staff - Tanya Adamson

Meet The Staff - Tanya Adamson

In the latest of our Meet the Staff series we spoke with Tanya Adamson, Careers Assistant at Glenalmond College.

This week is Scottish Careers Week and to mark that we asked Mrs Tanya Adamson to tell us more about what her role involves. Mrs Adamson works closely with Mr Steve Smith, our Head of Sixth Form.

How long have you been working at Glenalmond?  14 years part time

What is a summary of your job, and what it entails? Making pupils aware of all the options to them after leaving Glenalmond.  Organising guest speakers from various roles to talk to pupils about how they got into their careers.

Where did you work before you came to Glenalmond?  I have always been self employed but did work for a few years at Gleneagles.  I also currently work for British Eventing in a self employed capacity.

What is the best thing about working at Glenalmond?  The space, fresh air and the most scenic commute.  Lovely pupils and colleagues who are all a pleasure to work with.

What is your favourite part of your role?  Pupils having that light bulb moment and actually embracing what they wish to do when they leave school.  Meeting up with OGs (alumni) when they come back to share their experiences.

Is there anything people might find surprising about your role? You can't tell pupils, or decide for them, what career they should do - it has to come from the pupil themselves.

How rewarding is helping pupils find the right career?  It is very satisfying when you point someone in the right direction when they initially had no idea what to do.

How does Morrisby work...?  All pupils from Second and Third Form sign up to Morrisby Careers (an online Careers Guidance platform) and use it throughout their time at Glenalmond.  Pupils initially take an Aspirations quiz to guide them into potential careers that may interest them.  In Fifth form, they sit a more intense psychometric profiling to learn more about their strengths and weaknesses.  This helps with A-level choices and narrowing down future career paths.

What do you enjoying doing in your free time?  We have a farm next door to Glenalmond so there is not much 'free time' but I am lucky enough to have horses which keep me busy - a passion I have had from a very young age.

Thank you for sharing an insight into your role, Mrs Adamson!

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Meet The Staff - Tanya Adamson