Today (March 1st) is the start of National Careers Week and throughout the week we will be challenging pupils to consider their career options after leaving Glenalmond and how the school can set them on the right path.
This week will see our pupils engaging in career orientated lessons, viewing purpose-made videos focusing on the careers of OGs, updating their Morrisby profiles, completing LinkedIn Training and generally being immersed into the world of career options as much as possible.
I would encourage parents to spend some time this week revisiting the Morrisby Profile with your son/daughter. There is an enormous amount of information available and the more detail that is input by the user, the more sophisticated the suggestions become. The website can be found at
This short video for parents explains a bit more about Morrsiby.
At Glenalmond, we gently encourage all of our pupils to consider their career aspirations throughout their time at the school. Mrs Adamson our Careers Coordinator and I work closely together, to provide an excellent level of advice, guidance and opportunity to investigate life beyond Glenalmond.
Mrs Adamson organises a significant number of small group and individual meetings for our interested pupils. Recent visits have included representatives from the hospitality industry, architecture and the armed forces.
In addition, the school's Medical Society regularly invites doctors, vets and dentists to discuss their careers with prospective applicants.
On a much larger scale, Mrs Adamson also facilitates the biannual Careers Fair which attracts upward of 50 different career providers including public organisations, private firms and university representatives.
Careers Week is always an exciting time and why wouldn’t it be. We are challenging our pupils to consider what they intend to do with their lives and give some thought to the question which they have been asked time and time again since they were a toddler - what do you want to be when you grow up?
For our older pupils, the question is perhaps more pertinent, but it is never too soon to start thinking about careers.