Christmas Services At Glenalmond College Chapel
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Christmas Services At Glenalmond College Chapel

Christmas Services At Glenalmond College Chapel
Events Announcement

Our Chaplain, Father Stephen, is looking forward to welcoming people to services in Glenalmond College Chapel over the festive period.

Christmas Services 

The Christmas services in our beautiful Chapel during the holiday period are open to all - subject to any changes in the COVID restrictions - including Glenalmond pupils and their families and members of our local community.

They are as follows:  

Thursday 23rd December 4.30pm: A Service of Lessons and Carols by Candelight with the Bishop of St Andrew's.

Christmas Eve 11.15pm: Midnight Mass - a traditional sung Eucharist with incense and the blessing of the crib.

Christmas Day 8.30am: Holy Communion according to the Scottish Book of Common Prayer - a quiet, short said service.

Christmas Day 10.30am: Family Eucharist - a child friendly service followed by seasonal refreshment.

If you would like to sing in our Christmas choir for any service, please email George Pounder with what part you sing and he will let you know rehearsal times - [email protected]

Please lateral flow test before arrival, wear a mask, and observe distancing between households.



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Christmas Services At Glenalmond College Chapel