New Chair Of Council
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New Chair Of Council

New Chair Of Council

After 5 years as Chairman of the Council (Board of Governors), Niall Booker has announced that he will stand down at the end of the current academic year. 

Niall has been a member of Council for 10 years, for some of which time he served as Chair of the Committee of Council which oversees the financial and administrative aspects of the College. During this period, the school has continued to invest in its infrastructure, developed its social media profile and evolved its constitutional structure, whilst at the same responding to the challenges of COVID 19 and making sure the College provides the opportunity for young people to grow and develop their varied talents in a community-minded environment. The Council is extremely grateful to Niall for his great contribution and leadership through this time. 

The College has run an extensive process to appoint a successor and after a recommendation from the nominations committee, the Council unanimously approved the appointment of Ian Gray OBE. 

Ian is a former pupil of Glenalmond and has served as a trustee on the Council since early 2020, assuming the role of Chair of the Committee of Council later that year. Niall Booker, current Chair of Glenalmond College Council, said Mr Gray was the ideal successor. “Ian brings significant business experience and strategic oversight, in addition to a sound understanding of broader markets having worked in the UK and overseas. His tenure as Chair of Committee has demonstrated a canny ability to lead fellow trustees with a collegiate and consultative approach and provide support at the strategic level to the College’s Executive. Ian fully understands the College and its ethos. His appointment also affords continuity for the College at an important and exciting time, with 175th anniversary celebrations around the corner and an ambitious programme of development ahead.”

Ian Gray commented “I am flattered and honoured to take on the role and will seek to build on the great foundations and traditions created by Niall and his predecessors to give a great educational experience as we help our pupils thrive in the world with fast changing technology, diversity, cultures and attitudes.”

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New Chair Of Council