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Awards Announcement

Congratulations to all of our Prizewinners of 2020-21.


We would like to commend you all for your commitment throughout the year.

A full list of our prizewinners can be found below.


Second Form Prize - Isobel L

Prizes in Third Form

Chemistry - Nadia S

Geography - Sasha M

Physics - Ellis J

Spanish - Isabel H

History - Ben E

Latin - Ben E

Biology - Freya F

English - Freya F

French - Freya F

Mathematics - Freya F

Prizes in Fourth Form

Art - Isla F-P

Biology - Zac G

Drama - Charlotte F

Geography - Tessa C

Spanish - Ellie A

Chemistry - Octave H

Electronics - Octave H

English - Daisy H

Product Design - Daisy H

History - Imogen L

Mandarin - Anthony S

Physics - Anthony S

Computer Science - Jamie C-M

French - Jamie C-M

Physical Education - Jamie C-M

Greek - James S F

Latin - James S F

Mathematics - James S F

Prizes in Fifth Form

Art - Arthur M

Biology - Shae M

Drama - Leah S

Electronics - Robbie G

English - Samuel H

English as an Additional Language - Mykhailo C

Geography - Susanna R

Greek - Sophia D

History - Madeleine I

Physical Education - Daisy P

Product Design - Flora K

Computer Science - Sophia A

Physics - Sophia A

Mathematics - Jake S

Spanish - Jake S

Chemistry - Reuben H

French - Reuben H

Latin - Reuben H

Prizes in Lower Sixth

Biology (shared) Eilidh R

Computer Science - Hamish L

Dramma - Georgie M

Economics - Roxie C

Geography - Kirsty de H

Mathematics - Milly Pearson

Further Mathematics - Flora F

Physical Education - Amelia A

Politics - William G

Biology (shared) - Niall D

Classical Civilisation - Niall D

Chemistry - Lucy H

Latin - Lucy H

English - Freya K

History - Freya K

Physics - Harry L

Product Design - Harry L

French - Honor R

Spanish - Honor R

Art - Zoe C

Business - Zoe C

History of Art - Zoe C

Prizes in Upper Sixth

Best Highers Candidate - Skye M-T

Biology - Matthew B

Business - Harry L

Rory Paterson Prize for Classical Civilisation - Georgina C

Computer Science - Ivan K

Montgomery Prize for Divinity - Emma P

Drama - Henry R

French - Adam O

History - Isolde M W

History of Art - Brooke M

Latin - Kitty S

Physical Education - Jake S

Spanish - Willa R

Design and Technology - Josh D

Modern Languages - Josh D

Economics - Archie S-W

Mathematics - Archie S-W

Chemistry - Leon C

Trower Prize for Further Mathematics - Leon C

Physics - Leon C

English - Sofia R

Geography - Sofia R

Politics - Sofia R

Prizes for Art

Alasdair Paterson Memorial Prize - Brooke M

Hugh Price Prize - Rosie P

Ron Craig Prize for Art - Jacob M P

Visual Communication Prize for Art - Imogen L

Prizes for Music

Martyn Bennett Prize for Outstanding All-Round Musical Contribution - Charlie B

Stewart Prize for Academic Music - Charlie B

Senior Singing Prize - Abigail S

Academic Star Prizes

Highest number of Academic Stars awarded over the course of the academic year

Second Form - Beatrice M and Savourna S

Third Form - Freya F, Jessica H, Oliver R and Nadia S

Fourth Form - Ellie A

Fifth Form - Daisy P

Lower Sixth - Freyha K and Honor R

Upper Sixth - Adam O


Beatrice M

Freya F

Nadia S

Isla F-P

Lara K

Imogen L

Islay M

Fredric R

Mykhailo C

Ella D-P

Tze Y T

Amelia A

Nikoline B-N

Grace C

Roxie C

Kirsty de H

Flora F

Kyla G

Joe J

Freyha K

Harry L

Amy M

Scarlett M

Charlie B

Leon C

Archie G

Natasha M

Sofia R

Mandy W

Special Prizes and Awards

Gladstone Memorial Essay Prize, Funded by the Gladstone Memorial Trust - James S F

Services to Chapel - Matthew B

Birkmyre Cup for Outstanding Contribution to Drama - Matthew B

Captain of Corps - Archie B

Forrester Cup for Piping - Duncan K

Junior Sportswoman - Tessa C

Junior Sportsman - Jack S

Cup for the Best All Round Sportswoman - Emily B

Crighton Cup for the Best All Round Sportsman - George G-F

Citizenship Prizes

Wijeratne Cup - William B

College Blazer Buttons - Charlie B, Jake C, Archie G, Cameron M and Henry R

College Blazer Brooch - Emily B, Georgina C and Tilly S

Hardie Citizenship Prize - Harry L

Luscombe Prize - Imogen F-L

Ralph Webster Prize - Matthew B

Katie Emslie Bowl - Louisa F

Hugh Malcom Cup - Leon C

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